Find out what our clients have to say.
Niamh Currid & Marvin Reber
“My wife was running a small to medium sized business that was owned by our Trust. There was difficulty within the business as with stakeholders chiefly caused by rapid growth while not being fully prepared. The challenge was to simplify how the business was to...
Moneesh Mittal
"After building a string of liquor outlets across Auckland and the Bay of Plenty, I was looking to refinance my borrowings from the bank. My experience in the past had been frustrating as the banks wouldn’t look at goodwill as part of the value of my businesses. ...
Logan Andresen
"As a student and contractor/casual employee I had many different incomes and outgoings that were changing on a weekly basis. I also had overseas regattas every couple of months. The nature of the work meant I could go for a couple of months without...
GilesCivil Limited – Joe Coombe
"I was a 50% shareholder of a limited liability company that had been trading for 19 years. The year before we had changed to 70/30 shareholding and now my business partner had decided to fully retire. "I wanted to ensure that going forward the company...
GilesCivil Limited – Nicola Coombe
"We knew that we wanted to have an even more successful company but we didn’t know where to start. Added to this, I wanted to take a more active role in the business. I just didn’t know how my talents could be utilised or how they would fit in with the...
Minishifts Limited – Steve Speir
"Before working with Full Focus, Minishifts had out of date office procedures, a lot of loose ends … and too many open ended situations. We needed the cavalry to come in, lasso it all together, and give us good management direction. "Since bringing in...
Air Sea Global Limited
“I had been running a successful private company for some 10-12 years, but I was dissatisfied with the results of people with whom I was involved. I’d been wondering about how well I thought things were going in my life. I was indifferent – cruising...
Minishifts Limited – Ben Speir
"Minishifts has been in operation for almost 20 years and is a well established company. But despite the fact that we had a substantial turnover, we never seemed to have any money - there just wasn’t any profit. We knew something was wrong and tried all...
CadArt Creations
“CadArt Creations Ltd was introduced to David Martin of Full Focus through the Business in the Community mentor scheme, to assist in the development of our organization by the way of identifying specific target markets and providing a firm direction of...
Industrial Battery Solutions NZ Limited
“Before working with Full Focus I felt like the captain of a big ship, standing with my hands firmly on the wheel - the ship in a very heavy fog and entering dangerous rock scattered waters - with scant understanding how to operate the sophisticated...