managing-your-teamSmall businesses, by their nature, are going to be intimate. This means it is crucial to manage your team well. 

Working closely together often means you’ll have to share the same goals and the same frustrations … sometimes even the same work space.  Getting the basics handled early on is crucial.  Make no mistake, this is as important for a smaller business as it is for a larger one.

1. Roles & Responsibilities

Make sure everyone’s clear on who is going to do what.  This avoids blurring job boundaries and helps reduce conflict. It also puts an end to needless duplication.

2. Expectations

It’s important that everyone understands and is clear on expectations.  These can be as simple as a dress code or uniform, coffee breaks and lunchtime … even down to when you have a beer or wine on a Friday.

3. Socialising

Don’t under-estimate the value of setting the scene for when the team can socialise.  One of the benefits of this is that it helps team building. It also encourages the personal stuff to stay in the lunchroom rather than get in the way of getting the job done.

4.  Team Meetings

Regular team meetings are also important. They help ensure everyone is on the same page and has the same goals and objectives. It’s a great way to create team buy-in.

5. Best mates with your staff?

Sure you can be friendly and chums with your staff.  But best mates?   Probably not.  Although we’ve known situations where this has worked out well, it is the exception to the rule..

You can enjoy time with your team and have a few laughs together. But it’s important everyone is clear on who’s leading the ship.
That’s why regular interactios with your team (team meetings or one-on-one) is important. This will ensure you also have their professional respect.  After all, as the business owner the buck does stop with you.  Your staff need to understand that, and that it’s not their money on the line. 

Read our Free Special Report:  How To Choose The Right Coach For Your Game (and where to find him)

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