Full Focus rarely advertises. Instead we rely on:

  • People hearing us talk, and seeking more information
  • Introductory referrals from clients and other professionals

Of the two, the latter is our most important source of business. We really appreciate a potential client who is introduced to us by someone they know and trust. However, we recognise you are only likely to do so if –

(a) You understand what we do

One of our specialties is our ability to provide completely unbiased and independent advice. We are not restricted by a narrow technical or professional focus and have no entrenched arrangements with any suppliers. This ensures our clients’ best interests are always paramount. We look at “the whole picture” of our clients’ affairs, taking account of every facet – making sure everything fits and putting the steps in place to get them where they want, or need, to be.

To benefit from our services, our clients need to be prepared to invest their time and money, and be committed to achieving their identified outcomes.

(b) You know what kind of clients we work with

We work mainly with business owners and shareholders of private companies. Our speciality is advising family businesses.  Potential Full Focus clients will show one or more of the following:

  • An above average income earner
  • A controlling shareholder of a private business
  • Have clearly identifiable goals and objectives, or will be keen to put these in place
  • Going through times of uncertainty or change.  They may have come to a decision making cross-road and are (naturally) cautious about making the right choice
  • Facing difficulty or dilemma in making these decisions and want direction and clarity
  • Experiencing growth in their business, or seeking growth
  • High expectations and a determination to move forward
  • Care about at least one person (other than themselves!)
  • Have a natural sense of ethics and justice which fits with ours.

(c) You have worked with us yourself, or can see the results of people we have worked with

Full Focus clients are happy to be quoted about the value we add –  read their testimonials.

(d) You know how we’ll deal with your referrals, and they’ll be treated professionally

Because circumstances differ, we like to be able to discuss with referrers the best way to introduce us.  In most circumstances we’ll contact the person directly by telephone once you have referred them (unless they contact us first!).
For every person you refer, we’ll let you know the outcome. Client confidentiality means we may not be able to give details, but we’re sure you’d like to know whether we’ve been able to assist them.

How to handle possible referrals:

  • Get their permission for us to phone them.
  • Give them our website address.
  • Give them our contact details –

Kathy Martin
Tel. 09 489 1650
Kathy’s mobile: 027 2800 564
Email. enquiries@fullfocus.co.nz

We hope this has helped provide an understanding of how we’ll handle your referrals.

We will, of course, always do the same for you when we come across people who we believe would benefit from your business.