team-buy-in“People who love going to work are more productive and more creative.  They go home happier and have happier families  They treat their colleagues and clients and customers better.  Inspired employees make for stronger companies and stronger economies”   Start with Why , by Simon Sinek

One of the greatest assets your business has is your people.

Unfortunately they are often viewed as liability. This could be due to high turnover or lack of commitment or buy-in.  Turning your people from a liability to an asset does not happen by accident. Nor does it happen overnight.

Employee engagement is critical if you are to reap the rewards of a loyal workforce.  No buy-in (or limited buy-in) from your team? Then there won’t be much commitment to the goals and aspirations of your business.   There needs to be a certain culture in place within your company. One that breeds loyalty and respect within your team.

Effective Leadership

Employee engagement starts at the top with the leader of your business.  This person has a tremendous impact on the commitment of their team. Never ignore this.

People lead in different ways. Some are dictatorial “this is how it must be”. Others expect their team to follow along behind with no clear path and a haphazard approach.

Most people have experienced a “bad” boss. One who rarely encourages and always seems to spot any negative they do. Always ready to pounce when something goes wrong.  The effect of this can be devastating on your team’s morale. Their motivation and personal confidence can go down the gurgler.

The most effective leaders have mastered the art of engaging their people. Or they are at least practising it. It is this engagement that will inspire commitment and loyalty. Leading to true buy-in from your team.

Who Is The Decision-Maker?

Our view is that business should not be democratic.  Decision-making should always rest with the leader.  Left to a committee you run the risk of mediocrity.  Leaders must “lead” .  But to make good decisions it’s smart to consider a variety of opinions. Consider different viewpoints before making that decision.

Peter Drucker  says that effective leaders create dissension and disagreement. They do not promote consensus.  He recommends you do not make a decision unless there is disagreement first.  If everyone agrees at the outset – send them away and tell them to come back with some opposing viewpoints.  “If everyone is thinking the same, then someone isn’t thinking”.

As a leader, surround yourself with people who are willing to disagree with you. Show that you are willing to listen to what they have to say.

Give Your Employees A Voice

Motivation and job performance will increase when employees have the chance to contribute. So too, will their morale. This doesn’t mean you need to please everyone (you can’t) but you need to show you are willing to listen.  But don’t only pay lip service to listening. If you have no intention of considering their ideas your staff will stop offering input. They’ll become increasingly frustrated in their jobs.

Employees who think their leaders do listen and pay attention, are more likely to speak up. They get along better with each other, improving the operation of your business as a whole.

Respect your people. Encourage them and celebrate their differences. Get this right and you’ll reap the rewards of a loyal workforce.


Read our Free Special Report:  How To Choose The Right Coach For Your Game (and where to find him)

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